ANYmal: With HBC radio controls over hill and dale.

Exciting project with ETH Zurich.
As a global technology leader in the field of wireless control technology, HBC-radiomatic is happy to support research work and innovative projects at technical universities and in their environment.
The most recent example is called "ANYmal". It is a four-legged robot that was developed for rescue missions, transport and inspection tasks and numerous other possible uses in difficult or dangerous terrain.
ANYmal has a platform for a wide variety of structures and, with its intelligent and extremely versatile leg construction, it can climb stairs, climb, jump and much more.
The idea for ANYmal comes from the Robotic Systems Lab at the Eidgenoessisch Technischen Hochschule (ETH) in Zurich, which is one of the world's most renowned universities in the field of technology. In order to turn the idea into an operational and marketable product, several ETH engineers founded ANYbotics AG a few years ago.
In his role as Member of the Board of ANYbotics AG, Professor Marco Hutter approached HBC-radiomatic to develop a concept for the control of the ANYmal robot with us. After some project planning and development work, we presented ANYbotics a tailor-made version of our FST 503 technos A radio system - a convincing result with which we were able to completely enthuse Professor Hutter and his team for HBC products.
In the meantime, ANYmal is in operation at various applications around the globe. For HBC-radiomatic, the project has paid off in several ways: We were able to further promote the technology transfer between renowned universities and HBC and at the same time win an exciting new customer who, with its sensational ANYmal robot and HBC radio, is now often represented in the trade press, on television and in online media.