linus 6. The ergonomic transmitter format now available in a new version incorporating the latest HBC radio technology.

Clever design and pure operating comfort in first-class HBC quality: That's what linus 6 stands for. The classic transmitter for hydraulic applications with up to 6 stepless drives now offers the latest generation of high-performance HBC radio technology in combination with attractive new functions and options. With its ergonomic design, the transmitter is always at hand, but never in the way.
Valuable features and options at a glance.
- Intelligent frequency management: The transmitter is available with HBC’s cutting-edge frequency management technologies and is, thus, the perfect choice for areas with many radio users or environments with frequently changing spectrum demands.
- radiomatic® iLOG: This clever electronic key enables the quick activation of a spare transmitter if the original transmitter is damaged. This means service without expensive downtime.
- merlin® TUC (Transmitter User Card): The Transmitter User Card protects the control against unauthorized use. In addition, this card allows you to unlock or lock machine functions for each different operator.
- Micro drive: During difficult maneuvers, this function can protect the operator from dangers due to speeding of the crane / the machine.
For detailed information click here or contact us. Our sales team will be glad to advise by e-mail at or by phone at +49 7951 393-550.