CANopen Safety. Safe bus communication and easy integration of additional safety functions.

With our new CANopen Safety interface, we are happy to present you another innovation in the HBC portfolio. It enables the easy integration of functionally safe control commands into the machine as well as safe bus communication between the machine parts and components.
The safety chain of our HBC radio controls includes:
- our qualified input elements on the mobile radio transmitter, such as joysticks, linear levers and buttons.
- the processing of the safety-related information including the radio transmission.
- the output elements of the radio receiver built into the machine by relays and safety-related communication within bus systems.
The new interface is available with all HBC radio receivers of the 7_ series. In connection with the transmitters of the technos and spectrum series, you benefit from a TUEV-tested safety concept that is implemented in accordance with the EN50325-5 standard. The new CANopen Safety interface is being integrated by a newly-developed radiobus® plug-in card, the radio system is being mounted to the machine by a standard M12 connector.
Sounds interesting? Just contact us. Our sales team will be pleased to assist you by phone at +49 7951 393-550 or by email at